Monday, January 05, 2015

How to burn stubborn ab flab

Ever wonder why no matter how many sit-ups or crunches you do, your abs NEVER get any more lean or defined?
In today's new article, my friend and "abs" expert Shin Ohtake is going to reveal why "ab-targeted" exercises don't work (no matter how many reps you do!) -- plus, he'll show you how tightening up your mid-section is MUCH easier than you might think, once you know what (and what not) to do...
When you use his advice, you'll be shocked at how quickly your belly fat will seem to melt away, finally revealing those washboard abs that have been hiding underneath for all these years.
This works way faster than cardio,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Don't skip tip #3 -- it's insanely effective!
#3 is the Holy Grail for waking up your metabolism.
PPS - Monday Motivation Part 2 for YOU!
Keep on pushing my friend, make every day a little better.
Little bets lead to bigger steps and BIG victories!
Make 2015 the year of your Big Leap.
You CAN do it. I believe in YOU!

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